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Urban regeneration company Summix is proposing a new employment development on around 7 hectares of derelict land off Rush Lane and Tamworth Road near Dosthill and we want to know what you think, before a planning application is submitted.

Aerial photograph of the site
Maps Data: Google, ©2024 Bluesky, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd & Bluesky, Maxar Technologies, The GeoInformation Group

Urban regeneration company Summix is proposing a new employment development on around 7 hectares of derelict land off Rush Lane and Tamworth Road near Dosthill and we want to know what you think, before a planning application is submitted.

Previously we put forward a residential development plan on the land, which was refused by the Council who felt the site was not suited to residential use.

These new proposals could bring a significant amount of jobs to the area, through the creation of economically and environmentally sustainable new business space in a location that is recognised as suitable for commercial uses.

The land had a previous planning permission for commercial space but has been vacant for a number of years. The site would be accessed from the existing entrance on Tamworth Road and could total up to 23,000 sqm of development across various commercial buildings whilst protecting and enhancing biodiversity and wildlife features across the site.

We are now asking the community, what they think about the plans before a formal planning application is submitted.   This website provides more information, and you can let us know your thoughts here.